
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall Essay

In this film, based upon a screenplay by Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall from a novel from Waterhouse (which written in 1959 influenced by the prevailing theme of the 1950s – the protest of the angry young men), director John Schlesinger creates the fantasized world of Billy Fisher (Tom Courtenay), a young man working at the Shadrack and Duxbury funeral parlor who dreams of becoming a great writer. Julie Christie provides some romance for the awkward clerk. Denys Coop’s cinematography effectively captures the drab life and imaginative world of Billy’s existence, lending further relevance to the film in real life. Billy is an original character whose fantasy life is funny throughout. Known to his officemates as Billy Liar because he is a compulsive liar, Fisher escapes his dour existence by creating a fantasy life as the military leader of the fictional, semi-fascist state of Ambrosia. This fantasy supplies the power and control lacking in his daily life where he feels trapped in his job at the funeral parlor. Though chronic lying is not admirable and his coldness towards his family and his fiancees is dislikable trait, still, overall, Billy is an attractive character, and we can pity him as his rather pathetic pretenses are exposed, while still seeing the justness of the exposure. Waterhouse has managed to mirror the basic nature of people: being dissatisfied with what we have and therefore devising all means to be what we dream to be. Billy Liar remains a pleasing counterpoint to the depressive movies Room at the Top (1958) and Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960). According to Gale (1996), this film that was originally a novel led some commentators to place Waterhouse in the Angry Young Men School. It is in some ways a study of provincial dissatisfaction. Our lives are very similar to Billy in many ways, the reality and fantasy of who we are sharply at odds. Most of us live with a family which is the quintessence of ordinariness; so we compensate by a rich fantasy life and, unfortunately, by dishonesty, much like Billy in the film. Reminiscent of Fisher’s character, we lie our way through life, not out of malice or even out of any conscious desire to cause mischief or to cause hurt to those around us, but purely because we cannot live with, or face up to the demands of, our real lives. The overall mood in the film is, however, disquieting – Fisher’s dreams include killing people, such as his parents, who place obstacles in his way. The film shows that the only real obstacle confronting Fisher is a lack of courage combined with no obvious talent. Much like in real life, we all have a secret vision of doing the unthinkable, murderous or otherwise, to people we extremely dislike. Our judgment is often clouded by anger for other people, which lead to ineffective use of our God-given talents, which in turn hinders the progress that we otherwise could have achieved easily. Despite its very British setting, the film has a universal dimension which is even more poignant in today’s Internet age. In a sense, Billy Liar is an adroit satire about a society caught between socio-economic classes. Billy Fisher’s character is therefore struggling against the limitations of his class, family and urban environment for a better opportunity to display his ability. This theme is relevant even today, as we all strive daily to move up the social and economic ladder of society, as a response to our natural trait to be forever dissatisfied. One cannot help but be fond of and relate to Billy Liar, a unique character that deeply depicts in what boils down to a humorous yet solemn and incontrovertibly influential movie. It is apparent that this film appealed and is still appealing to audiences precisely because Billy’s lack of courage, commitment and his flights of fancy are not so far removed from those of ourselves. Many of us live in dreams where we do spectacular things but given the chance we would not have the courage to accomplish them. Likewise, the film affirms that, ultimately, we must live with, rather than in opposition tom the real world, no matter how painful and uncertain the experience of that invariably will be. While on one level this film could be dismissed as a whimsical fantasy, there is a Billy Liar that exists in all of us. WORK CITED Gale, S. (1996). Encyclopedia of British Humorists: Geoffrey Chaucer to John Cleese. Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis.

Non-Fiction: Useful and Informative

Non-fiction not only has the potential to make the world a better place, it actually does make the world a better place (poor intro, sorry). Non-fiction is everywhere – on the news, in newspapers, in books, and even on the internet. It is very useful and informative. If it was not for non-fiction, we would not know anything about our planet, and the events that are taking place in it. It is undoubted that non-fiction makes the world a better place. Firstly, non-fiction has already helped us evolve to the point that we are at now.So not only does it have the potential to make the world a better place, it has been forever helping us in our ambitions to make the world a better place, and will continue to do so. It has been around forever. In fact, cave paintings from about 32,000 years ago display a man coming home from a successful hunting trip, and they also showed what tools he used, so other people could do so as well. Things like this have been happening throughout history, up to this present day. Even things like science reports have helped many people, in many different says.Additionally, non-fiction is very informative. Not only does it let us know interesting facts, but also keeps you updated about events and affairs that are occurring in our world. Non-fiction is great because not only does it tell us about all this, but it is extremely easy to access. Simply watch the news on TV, buy a newspaper, or go on the internet, and you will be instantly inundated by interesting and useful facts. Finally, non-fiction books are very good for educating children.Non- action teaches kids about culture, historic moments in time, extraordinary people, and many other things. A great example of this is â€Å"Simpson and his Donkey', the story of a man and his donkey, who in World War II in the battlefields of Galileo, saved many lives by transporting wounded soldiers to safe ground. So not only does non-fiction entertain and inform children about historic events, but it teaches them valuable life lessons, which is a small step in making the world a better place.In conclusion, non-fiction has already helped us evolve to where we are at now, so obviously, it not only has the potential to make the world a better place, it does make the world a better place. Simply things like being updated with world events, and teaching children about history, are Just a couple of the many reasons why non- fiction makes the world a better place. So unless all of the known laws of the universe have changed in the past couple of hours, and nobody bothered to tell me, non- fiction definitely makes the world a better place. Non-Fiction: Useful and Informative By Breakfast

Friday, August 30, 2019

Kentucky v. King case Brief

Facts: In Lexington, Kentucky, police officers followed a suspected drug dealer to an apartment building where he went. When they arrived outside of the door to the apartment where the suspect was they reportedly could smell marajuana. The police then knocked and shouted they they were there and in return they could hear what sounded like people destroying the evidence and running around. The police then knocked down the door and saw the respondent as well as drugs laying out without having to look anywhere. Later the police found more drugs and paraphernalia doing a more in-depth search. â€Å"The Circuit Court denied respondent’s motion to suppress the evidence, holding that exigent circumstances—the need to prevent destruction of evidence—justified the warrantless entry. Respondent entered a conditional guilty plea, reserving his right to appeal the suppression ruling, and the Kentucky Court of Appeals affirmed. † The Supreme Court of Kentucky also assumed that there was an exigent circumstance but it still invalidated the search. The court stated that the police should have foreseen that their conduct would most likely result in the tenants attempting to destroy the evidence therefore they should have had a warrant before going there. Issue: A warrantless entry based on exigent circumstances is reasonable when the police did not create the exigency by engaging or threatening to engage in conduct violating the Fourth Amendment. Meaning in this case, if the police had not busted down the door there would have never been destruction of drugs and paraphernalia. Kentucky Supreme Court actually asked whether officers deliberately created the exigent circumstances with the bad faith intent to avoid the warrant requirement. Obviously warrants require paperwork and time and many police officers feel that it is a hassle and takes too long; the exigent circumstance could have been purposely made so the police officers could avoid waiting or waisting time as some see it. Rule: Assuming that an exigency existed here, there is no evidence that the officers either violated the Fourth Amendment or threatened to do so prior to the point when they entered the apartment. From what was brought to the Supreme Courts attention the police did everything properly, they knocked on the door loudly and told the tenants they were the police. If they do not do those two things the tenants may not hear them or they may not open the door because they do not know who it is. This is where the situation became exigent because then the tenants inside began running around and obviously destroying evidence. The police then shouted they were going to enter the apartment and busted the door down to get it. The respondent pointed to no evidence supporting his argument that the officers made any sort of demand to enter the apartment, much less a demand that amounts to a threat to violate the Fourth Amendment. The record was made clear that the officers’ announcement that they were going to enter the apartment was made after the exigency arose, therefore everything that happened was just. Analysis: There was much controversy with this case because police officers did enter an apartment with no warrant. Since there were no bystanders or other evidence except the police officers and the tenants involved it was very difficult to come out with a verdict. Of course the police officers stated that there were exigent circumstances occurring before they enter the apartment and the tenants states that there were no exigent circumstances until they entered the apartment. Unfortunately, both could have been true because both have occurred before. In this case, the police officers did everything correctly and were not trying to avoid getting a search warrants. The knocked on the door because they smelled marajuana and after the tenants began destroying evidence the police entered due to the exigency of the situation. Conclusion: The tenants were going to try to do anything to get away with what they had been caught with. They felt like their privacy was violated because even though they were conducting illegal activities, they were doing so behind closed doors and in the privacy of their home. What they failed to realize is that even if you are in your home with the door locked if you create a situation in which arises police officers attention then escalates to a level of exigency they can enter your home if you do not open the door. Their Fourth Amendment was not violated and the tenants were in the wrong.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Fire Safety Managment and Legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Fire Safety Managment and Legislation - Essay Example This essay describes different services offered by the centre, and states that an expansion and enlargement of the centre are needed. The researcher discusses that the centre’s management decided to have a new building with a common hall, a room with a stage, a chapel, several offices, a room for the youth, a pantry or a kitchen, a storage or utility room, and rest rooms and other facilities needed for the clients. With all these factors being considered, the building code requirements for fire safety are included. A fire safety strategy is needed to give satisfaction to the functional requirement of the building. With the plan provided, the fire safety measures must have the adequacy of means to prevent fire. There is also the provision for smoke control and control of rate of fire growth. The adequacy of the structure to resist the effect of the fire, the degree of fire compartment, the fire separation between buildings or part of buildings. The standard of active measures f or fire extinguishment and control, the facilities to assist the fire service, training of staff in fire safety and fire routines, the continued control under other legislation to maintain and test fires safety measures and management of fire safety. Internal fire spread as well as external fire spread control limitation is into a great consideration. In understanding the nature of service installations from the builder’s perspective, the importance of building services must be identified together with the methods used for fire protection. Building Regulations and Legislation The building regulations 2000, Approved Document B is the guidance on how to meet the building regulation on fire safety. This means that the building must allow adequate means of escape in the event of a fire. The ultimate concern of the Document B is the protection of the building occupants and not the building itself. Generally, fire safety requirements includes the following which are to be implemented in the construction of the new building. Means of Detection and Warning in case of Fire The means of detection and warning in case of fire includes the installation for fire appliances and assistance to the fire service such as fire extinguishers which are to be installed at places of relevance. Sprinklers must be set in strategic places. Hose reels are also needed, and must be placed in a location that is reachable to everybody. A fire alarm is a must to give early warning to the occupants in case of fire in the building. A design for compartmentation of the building is necessary to avoid the fast spread of fire. In section B1 of the approved Document B, smoke alarms should be positioned in places where fire is most likely to start. The most probable locations for the smoke alarms would be the kitchen and the oil

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What effect national cultural has on the marketing strategies of Essay

What effect national cultural has on the marketing strategies of business - Essay Example This essay discusses that as businesses expand into the international markets, it is imperative to better understand why a business, successful in one country, fails in its foreign markets. One major reason is that firms fail to understand and account for national cultural differences. This led to the 1990 mandate by the Marketing Science Institute to examine national cultural effects on market orientation for the firm. From this mandate came numerous theoretical and empirical works. The works studied two main areas, the affects of national culture on business performance and the affects of national culture on marketing efforts. Academic works on national cultural effects on marketing efforts lead to a split in the theory. It is argued for the globalization strategy that predicted consumer tastes would converge and marketing efforts should be directed toward standardization of products and marketing strategies. On the other side, Quelch and Hoff, Douglas and Wind, and de Mooij & Hofs tede contend that standardized global markets are a myth and that each nation requires firms to adapt and customize their products and marketing strategies. Both theories have strong arguments and empirical evidence to support their claims. Proceeding from the premise that retail marketing strategies are a key component to revenue generation for the retailer, this study, especially when it comes to retailing, subscribes to the theory that national culture should have an affect on the marketing strategy of the firm. These strategies can mean the success or failure of the company. To market effectively to the consumer, the marketer must understand what motivates the consumer to purchase at their store and not their competitors. 1.2 Statement of the Problem Numerous authors have studied various market theories and models with respect to national cultural effects. Their works looked at the specifics of marketing tasks to culture (micromarketing view) and the marketing concept to culture (macro marketing view). However, there are no significant works on the view between the micromarketing and the macromarketing in which the realm of marketing strategy falls. One reason for this is that it is typically a more difficult area to study. Each type of business dictates a different marketing strategy. It is easier to study very specific items, such as culture to product development (Hill & Still 1984; Imai & Takeuchi 1985; Nakata 1996), or culture to product choice. (Fawcett 1999; Luna & Gupta 2001) Or study very broad topics, such as national culture to market orientation. (Deshpande, Farley & Webster, 1993) However, the study of marketing strategy is between the micro and macro marketing views making it difficult to develop theories that are testable. Overall marketing strategy is too broad to practically study, yet not homogeneous enough to relate to as a whole. Therefore, to study this area requires the creation of artificial boundaries. Since it is such a difficult area to study authors have not published any significant research that may lead to a better understanding of why businesses have failed in their international efforts. Moreover, there is still debate among the academic community concerning the relevance of national culture in regards to customization versus standardization of products and marketing efforts. (Levitt, 1983; Ohrnae, 1989; Yip 1989; Deadrick, 1997; Olsen 2001) 1.3 Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to determine what effect national cultural has on the marketing strategies of business. Since marketing strategy is different for each type of business the only way to successfully study marketing strategy to national culture is to limit the study to one specific type of business. In this paper, the author looks to relate the marketing str

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Comparing Brazilian Culture to American Culture Research Paper

Comparing Brazilian Culture to American Culture - Research Paper Example These segments include ‘Power Distance’, ‘Individualism’, ‘Masculinity’, ‘Uncertainty Avoidance’, ‘Pragmatism’, and ‘Indulgence’ (The Hofstede Center, 2014). The discussion henceforth will give an elaborative account of these cultural segments as observable in the prospective market of the Canadian company, i.e. in Brazil. Power distance exhibits the acceptance of power hierarchy and the inequalities among people residing within a given society. Observably, Brazil scores 69, where Canada scores 39 as per the Hofstede’s model when examining this factor (The Hofstede Center, 2014). This further reveals that where Canada believes in egalitarianism, Brazilian communities believe in power hierarchy and accept the inequality as a part of their culture (Ferguson, 2007). It is thus necessary for the Canadian company to understand the power distance of Brazil and formulate their organizational decision-making structure accordingly. Individualism, another facet of the Hofstede’s cultural model, indicates whether people prefer group oriented lifestyle practices or individualism. Brazil scores 38 in this section according to Hofstede’s model analysis, where Canada scores 80 (The Hofstede Center, 2014). This implies that Brazilian people are group oriented where Canadians are highly individualistic in nature. Certainly, in the business world, group orientation attitude among employees and customers can create the difference of opinions as well as communication gap. Due to the huge difference of nature, it is better for the company to use Polycentrism to connect with the culture of Brazil (Ferguson, 2007). The paradigm of masculinity in the Hofstede’s model replicates whether the cultural backbone of the country is success oriented, achievement-oriented or it is based on the quality of life.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Yorkshire Police Merger Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Yorkshire Police Merger - Case Study Example "Members have looked closely at the two options deemed acceptable by the Home Secretary, a merger with North Yorkshire or the creation of a single regional force. It was felt that either option would have significant disadvantages for the people of West Yorkshire, including an increase in council tax for no apparent benefit. Members were also concerned about a short-term drop in performance and a weakening of accountability and governance structures due to the size of the proposed new force areas. Reports from both the Authority and the Force reflect the feeling that the creation of a single regional force would be particularly bad for West Yorkshire. "The Authority attempted to resolve these concerns with Ministers prior to this meeting but have yet to receive appropriate reassurances. Whilst the Authority fully accepts the need for the policing service to provide an adequate level of protective services to all citizens, it feels there may be other options which would achieve the same outcomes but with fewer penalties for the people of West Yorkshire. The West Yorkshire option is the only one we could agree to support at this stage based on known costs, performance and other criteria. Voluntary agreement for anything else will only be considered at a later date." (West Yorkshire Police Authority, Press Releases, 20th December 2005)West Yorkshire Police Merger 4 On the 12th of July 2006, the Home Office announced that it was revising plans to merge police forces in England and Wales. Police Authorities will be given more time and freedom to come up with plans to improve protective services, without requiring amalgamations this commended by the police minister, Tony McNulty Councillor Mark Burns-Williamson, Chair of West Yorkshire Police Authority, said he was delighted with the announcement. "It is well known that members of the Police Authority were not in favor of the proposed merger with the other three forces in the region. Our

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Life Span Perspective Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Life Span Perspective Paper - Essay Example In a life-span perspective, ageing implies changes, which for its part, take many forms. For instance, we have the purely biological changes such as weakening of the muscle strength, shortness of breath, graying of the hair, wrinkling of the skin and so on. There is the incidence of human disease, particularly those of the elderly who at certain point may be diagnosed with more than one illness. Next we have the cognitive decline such as the benign forgetfulness or the onset of dementia. This also includes the changes in the social environment and thus the experiences arising from it. Bere Miesen and Gemma Jones (1997) write that a model of a life-span perspective may be characterized by type of change, individual characteristics, coping behavior, adjustment in adaptation and the experience of quality of life. (p. 32) Finally, the Darwinian concept is very important in this perspective. It banks on the idea that humans share important characteristics through heredity and this in turn becomes a variable in the whole life-span development process. For example, virtually all of us develop in similar ways at similar ages such as walking and talking at age 1. And so, the study of development from a life-span perspective is multidisciplinary involving both biological and social sciences. Human development falls into three broad domains, namely: physical development, cognitive development and psychological development. (Sugarman 2001, p. 14) There are some who include personal and social developments but the previous three roughly cover everything. Human development meanwhile is divided into 8 periods: infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, late childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood. (Sugarman, p. 56-60) Contemporary concerns regarding life-span development include the questions on the eight periods in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Benefits of religious marriage (Baptist Ceremony) Research Paper

Benefits of religious marriage (Baptist Ceremony) - Research Paper Example The success of these established marriage unions largely depend on the nature of life a person has and the kind of future life he wants. Most of such determinants are natural but can be re-shaped by certain factors of life. Factors such as religion and social classes can adequately influence marriages. Marriage is engineered to naturally be a source of happiness to any human being since it is from marriage unions that different persons get families. Good families are sources of joy and portray the kind of a person one is to the society. A successful human life therefore highly depends on both marriage and religion. The most significant thing about the two is the fact that they are integrative in a way. Religion seeks establishment of holy unions between different persons while marriages seem to highly depend on religion for success. In a nutshell, Religious factors do influences the success of different marriage unions and therefore form the basis of a successful marriage. Also, marr iage and religion are both key success factors to the life of any ordinary person. There are different forms of religions in the world today with the main forms being Christianity, Islamic and Judaism. Religion is one of the oldest social practices in the life of humans. Different ancient groups of people had different forms of religions and beliefs according to their origins and dwelling places. Every religion therefore has its own history on how it developed and evolved into what are now modern religions and faith. Christianity is among the main forms of religion and its history can be traced way back to the times of the Roman Empire (Stark 8). Different kings who came into power in this empire during these old days embraced Christianity form of religion thus contributed towards the growth and spread of Christianity to other parts of the world (Saylor Foundation 5-10). Christianity has today grown to be one of the most

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing Research MKT2210 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Research MKT2210 - Essay Example The fashion designers took that step to head off just the kind of formal restrictions called for the doctor's group. So now the real debate can begin. We've been following this story closely as it unfolded over the past six months because the issues are big-certainly for anyone involved in fashion, including photographers, but also perhaps for the wider creative community. It started when a Brazilian model died following a drastic diet; fashion organizations in Spain, England, and Italy began reacting to a public and political outcry against the trend toward super-skinny (or "size-zero") models. The guidelines released today by the Academy for Eating Disorders would prevent any girl younger than 16 from modeling. Models from 16 to 18 years old would have to have a body mass index (B.M.I.) of greater that 17.4; those older than 18 would have to have a body mass index of 18.5. For instance, a 5-foot-nine model over 18 could weight no less than 126 pounds. Many fashion designers say such a guideline would be too restrictive. The recommendations of the fashion designers are .far more vague. The group's call for better education of models and designers had nothing of the specifics of the B.M.I. scale. There are very good reasons for looking into this issue, and those reasons relate to health-the health of the models working in the fashion industry, and the health of the millions of young girls around the globe who view fashion models as role models. The industry needs to look very carefully at the issue and work with medical groups to come up with actions that don't simply mask the problem. This must be done so that other groups don't dictate the terms of the discussion. The broader issue here is one of creative freedom. I'm not in favor of medical groups telling fashion designers whom they may hire, or telling photographers how someone should look in a picture. And just wait until some ambitious politician latches onto this issue to score easy points with voters. Fashion, frivolous by nature, is an easy target. The industry also has a bad reputation when it comes to policing bad behavior. As the New York Times points out today, Kate Moss, caught using drugs, was dropped from several ad campaigns, only to be rehired a few months later. But there are plenty of inconsistencies on the other side as well. Television shows feature plenty of skinny actresses who are probably also role models to millions of impressionable girls. (Anyone seen Grey's Anatomy There's not much of it to speak of.) Should television producers also be required to adhere to medical guidelines when hiring actresses And what about all the overweight men (and chunky kids) featured on sitcoms and television ads They might also be bad role models for a nation that is suffering from an obesity epidemic. Does some medical group want to step up to the plate and issue guidelines stating that you can't be too old or fat to appear on television or in pictures -David Schonauer Article 2 "Negative" Sizing: The Size Zero Debate There is a "growing" trend happening in fashion right now and no it has nothing to do with hem lengths, lip color or fabric style. According to Women's Wear Daily the infamous size zero demographic is no longer limited to the silver screen or the catwalk; in fact these women walk among us every day. And their numbers are swelling (pun intended)! But how many of us know anyone with a waist smaller than 23 inches or a bust that is no larger than 31 inches

Moral Permissibility of Deriving Stem Cells from Surplus Embryos Essay

Moral Permissibility of Deriving Stem Cells from Surplus Embryos - Essay Example One way to cure this disease is by transplantation of the pancreatic islet cell, the availability of the donated organs is very less for transplant. The stem cells if are induced to differentiate into functional islet cells in the lab, they may form a renewable source for transplantation, allowing this cell-based treatment to become available on a practical scale. (Mastroieni, n.d.) "Recent reports suggest that one of the most promising potential treatments may come from the use of stem cells, undifferentiated cells that can be coaxed into becoming insulin-producing islet-like cells that reduce diabetes symptoms in mice." (Mastroieni, n.d.) Spare embryos, the principal source of embryonic stem cells, are the unavoidably surplus unions of sperm and egg produced in fertility clinics. The embryos are often stored for years and ultimately discarded (Wade, 1999). Then it should not be a problem to use these spare embryos as they will ultimately be discarded anyways. One of the basic arguments for the moral permissibility of the use of these embryos are that the cost of destroying them is far less than the cost of the personal, social and economic costs of the diseases that these stem cells can cure. They can not be equaled to human life, even though they are living things. Some embryos do not even implant after conceived. In some countries it is legal to have an abortion; here the embryo is anyways going to waste. It would be better to utilize these embryos for research and cures rather than just throwing them. Embryonic stem cells can treat a larger number of diseases because they have greater plasticity, and divide more rapidly than adult stem cells. The embryo is taken before the primitive streak is formed. Until then it can be one individual which can separate into two and become twins, or it can be two embryos which can combine and form into one. Thus taking an embryo at this time does not account it as a human being. The number of people affected by diabetes alone is 190 million people around the world. This disease can lead to death and serious complications are common. These stem cells have the ability to cure many diseases not just diabetes. Another thing to keep in mind is that if it were so wrong, the government would never allow research to happen on such things in the first place. Women who give their surplus embryos are not forced into doing so. Rules can be introduced to control the process so that misuse of these embryos does not take place. One such law suggested by Louis M. Guenin is, "The government shall support biomedical research using human embryos that, before or after formation, have been donated to medicine under donor instructions forbidding intrauterine transfer." This way the donor has full control over what happens with the embryos even after it is implanted into another human being. The arguments against the moral permissibility of deriving stem cells from surplus embryos are that some of these embryos may be helpful during research but when used on actual human beings could be dangerous. Apart from this there may be genetic side effects because of manipulation. An example is the recent successes in reprogramming skin cells by fusing them with embryonic stem cells leave scientists wondering whether the genome of the original somatic cell might be 'contaminated' by the embryonic stem cel

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Integration Discussions to Include in Learning Portfolio Essay Example for Free

Integration Discussions to Include in Learning Portfolio Essay The term communication was derived from the Latin ‘communis’ meaning â€Å"to share† that is, sharing of concepts and ideas, feelings and emotion. In a literal sense however, communication means to inform to tell, to show, or to spread information (Singh, Amrik, Yadav, Seema 2003, p. 1). Communication is vital to any organization as it constitute the life of the entire organization while culture is the essence of an organization. When the management becomes concern on results and outcomes rather than on the techniques and processes, the management becomes concern only on employees’ productivity but not with their welfare. Business organization should be people oriented and its written communication or its policies must be clearly and rightly enforce and should not hinder employees from enhancing their full productivity potential. Maydan (2003) pointed out that organizations, as entities, â€Å"are also embedded in cultures, and organizing is a communication process† (p. 1). In a sense, organizational culture and policies it self are both part of communication. Thus, poor policies and policies that are poorly enforced both affects the organizational performance as well as the organizational life of business organization. It means that the employees’ effectiveness is affected by poor implementation of policies such as limiting employee’s communication with other employees in other departments and also employees’ access to management because it effectively isolate them from people they perceive as source of moral strength and information. It also effectively weakens their productivity. It is widely accepted that team work provides a better working relationship in any business organization. Here the degree to which work activities are organized around teams rather than individuals enhances the employees’ effectiveness and productivity. This is clearly illustrated in the game of basketball. Teams that play as a team have higher chances of winning. Team work also creates fun as working together for a common cause â€Å"creates group spirit, lightens up the atmosphere, and reduces tensions and conflicts (Dinsmore Cabanis-Brewin, 2006). Team work is an example of effective communication. How the problem of communication could be avoided There are perhaps a number ways to avoid the problem of communication. Management should allow employees some freedom to communicate freely with other employees on matters relating to their jobs. Having a delivery person to convey messages to other department in the same business organization delays important communications that are may be vital for the company’s growth. Business companies should be people oriented than profit oriented by focusing more on their employees welfare. It is true that even losers can turn into winners when they properly motivated. Employees gain more confidence and satisfaction through increased self-esteem and pride in their organization. In this way, employees can enjoy their work and they will become more productive in return. Aside from allowing employees some freedom to communicate, the management should also encourage its employees to innovate and take risk rather control them forced them to do more work. Gryskiewicz (1993) aptly stated that risk taking does not mean â€Å"taking a blind chance† rather it is a decision to implement â€Å"a well-reasoned idea where benefits would far outweigh the loss, should that occur† (p. 119). The problem of communication can be avoided if the management would be more people oriented. That is, if the management allows their employees to make some mistakes but at low cost, and to let them try their ideas. Attention to detail and aggressiveness When companies pay attention to details and become more demanding to their employees to come up with better results, the more pressures they imposed on their employees to exhibit precision, analytical skills, and attention to details. However, this is counter productive because this does not encourage employees to be innovative or risk takers. The company should not create an organizational climate of fear rather; it should strive to create a climate of trust. That means, allowing employees to even commit mistakes and to let them acknowledge such mistakes. Paying attention to details however is not bad; indeed it is important that company management should pay attention to details though this does not guarantee success. Details of transactions, of goals and objectives, and of business strategy to be implemented are important for the management to aware of. But when it comes to committing mistakes and risk taking, the management should display trust and confidence in their employees. Aggressiveness on the other hand is an important character of any employee. People who are aggressive are competitive and achieved more. It is far desirable than easy going attitude. Being aggressive is a positive quality as it will get one ahead of others who are not aggressive. Going back to a game of basketball, a team who is more aggressive is likely to win the game. But aggressiveness is not always viewed as positive and beneficial quality. Many people tend to view aggressiveness as the tendency to actively oppose someone else’s position or viewpoint. But viewed in the context of competitiveness, aggressiveness is positive quality that can help employees achieved more. Reference Dinsmore, P. C. Cabanis-Brewin, J. (2006) The AMA Handbook of Project Management USA: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn Gryskiewicz, S. S. (1993) Discovering Creativity USA: Center for Creative Leadership Maydan, A. (2003) Understanding Organizations Through Culture and Structure USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Sing, Amrik, Yadav Seema (2003) Business Communication India: Anmol Publication PVT. LTD

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How Do Smartphones Affect Our Lives English Language Essay

How Do Smartphones Affect Our Lives English Language Essay Smartphones are sophisticated devices used for communication while offering many other different functions at the same time. These functions may include video and audio recording, navigation assistance, music and video player and web browsing through wireless networks and apps ranging from games to highly specialized dictionaries. Smartphones come in different designs candy-bar models, clamshell models, slide models and wearable watch models. Common uses of smartphones besides phone calls and messaging may include video-conferencing, web browsing, listening to music, viewing videos, playing games, tool for different educational purposes, navigation assistant. Technically, an operating system platform open to developers is really the only minimum requirement to classify a Smartphone. Smartphones are generally also expected to be smart. For example if a phone that asks you for the sever address, port, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to set up for email access, its not a Smartphone even if the advertising brochure says so. A Smartphone is cleverer than that because it will figure out the server from your email id by itself. While the majority of people may think that smartphones are for geeks it is actually the opposite because they are generally much more refined and intuitive than the non-smart phones. Smartphones can be used by the not so technically inclined as well, to do powerful things with their phones. A smartphone can be easily recognized by its excellent email, calendar, organizer integration and powerful apps presented in a simple and intuitive way. Symbian, Android, Windows Mobile, iOS are the current operating systems that drive a smartphone. It is the same thing as Windows and Mac OS on our PC. These operating systems help us to interact with both the hardware and the applications on the phone. Unlike Java applications that can be installed on any ordinary mobile phone, applications that have been developed on these operating system platforms are normally much better in terms of their functionality. Through the appropriate OS such applications can interact more easily with the phones hardware. At last count, Apple had over 200,000 apps in its store, while Android had over 50,000 apps in its Android Marketplace. Application categories range from Productivity, Entertainment, Communication, Finance, Health, Lifestyle, Multimedia, News, Social to Travel and everything in between. These app stores are accessible from the phone itself for instant downloads of both free and paid applications. There is no end to how much functionality you can add to your phone. When, why and by who was the first Smartphone invented? (300) the very first smartphone to have been created was named Simon. It was designed and created by IBM in the 1992s. It was in Las Vegas, Nevada, during the COMDEX show that this idea of smartphone was first presented to the world. The Simon smartphone included features like world clock where it could show the time in all the countries in the, a note pad used to take notes, email, calculator, a calendar where it was possible to markup events in certain days and to set an alarm for that event, receive and send faxes and it was also possible to install and play different games. One unique feature that Simon smartphone had was its keyboard. It was the first phone to be using a touch screen keyboard. The On-screen keyboard was a built-in keyboard showed on the screen. For using the phones keyboard, people had to touch the screen with their fingers just like as if it were traditional keyboard with physical buttons. With time the technology evolved and the touch screen was no longer used just for the dialing, it was used for writing too. Smartphones with both touch screen keypad and also the standard keypad were invented because some people were unsatisfied due to the fact that it was hard to write text messages from a completely touch screen phone because of its sensitivity. Such phones were named QWERTY phones. The QWERTY Smartphones helped people to write more easily, and because it looks like a minicomputer, they can easily use it to surf the web, use instant messengers and many other features. The smartphones are great for business persons or anyone who wants features that a computer has, but it has the disadvantage of having a much higher price compared to normal phones. The price is expected to drop as time passes by and technology advances. Is the invention of the telephone a curse or a blessing? (400) A recent survey done by of one million users in 34 countries showed that 62% believed that their work productivity was much better due to new technology.   75% considers the opportunity provided by devices such as smartphones and laptops to remain in constant contact with work as a positive development. Converting down time to work time, and being able to stay in touch with whats happening at work at all times.  This kind of commitment used to be associated with Type A executives, but nowadays anyone with a smartphone can do so too. Many people like to find new ways to be effective, and like to feel as if they are getting better at managing time. However, what is actually happening with many  professionals is not amusing at all. Companies  have taken the opportunity given to them by technology to convince employees to spend more down time doing work.    Nowadays, most people with a smartphone have gotten into the habit of continuously trying to convert down time into useful, work time. Ways in which professionals may be converting their down time to get something done: An employee sending a text message to his co-workers while travelling at 120 Km/h in a train and spilling hot coffee into his lap. A teacher in a PTA meeting thats going very slow, logs in her e-mail and replies, missing two tasks given to her among the various others. An accountant at the swimming pool to watch his child swim the 25m freestyle event, closes a deal during the mens 25m freestyle via cellphone and lies to his son about seeing him break the record for that event. A supervisor attending 3 days of fitness training is unable to do her training without touching her smartphone every 15 minutes and later after getting them written results of her training complains that the training program was not effective enough. A teacher talking to the school manager to obtain a place in the school gets a message from her tuition student asking for help on a revision exercise, just before the exams start. She quietly sends her a reply while the manager is still talking. The manager notices the sudden lapse in attention and interprets it as a lack of interest in the proposals he is offering. A lawyer one more time takes his smartphone to the toilet where he can multi-task and by misfortune his boss husband who borrowed his smartphone, like five minutes before, happened to be there and notices him. More importantly the phone falls in the urinal and the owner quickly picks it up and tries his best to continue his conversation with his customer These habits were developed by professionals who were trying to boost their productivity by converting down time into something of value. Human beings are known to easily develop habits that are hard to stop and these habits can also be annoying to others. There are where cases employees are provided with a smartphone for free by their company executives and managers. It is even seen as a form of reward and indicator of status in some companies. What many of them know, however, is that when an employee accepts the device, they are likely to join the group of the always-reachable, and engage in many of the behaviors that their higher-ups are practicing,   such as: sending and receiving messages at 2:30 am using weekends, vacations and holidays to conduct company business implicitly agreeing to respond to all messages within a short time-frame interrupting ANY activity to find out what my boss wants (If the stories told on YouTube and on blogs are true, then   _anything_ can be interrupted nowadays by smartphone use!) To put it in more Machiavellian terms, companies have found a way to take time and attention that employee used to spend on their own, with their families and with their friends, and convert it to company time.   It starts with the gift of a smartphone. While I truly doubt that there is some master plan, dont doubt for a minute that a manager doesnt know the difference between her employees who are always-reachable from those who arent. Companies can make big gains in productivity by simply giving away smartphones to their employees, while ignoring the added stress that gets created. There are some companies that are noticing what is happening, however. Enlightened companies take a page out of the medical profession, which has long realized that its important to maintain some kind of boundaries in their professionals lives.   Companies can put in place policies that clearly delineate time spent at work, on call and away from work.   Ã‚  They recognize that these are three distinct modes that must be enforced if employees are expected to function at their best. Most employees, however, find themselves in un-enlightened companies and must make their own way, starting with 3 steps they must take. Their first step is to identify the unproductive habits in their time management system.   They can do the kind of analysis I describe on my website (www.2time-sys.com) to find the strong and weak spots. The second step is to create an improvement plan that outlines the habits to be changed, along with some target dates. This gives them some realistic goals to hear towards. The third step requires them to create an environment to make the habit changes easier to effect.   Unfortunately, most habits do not change easily or quickly, and the right blend of supports can make all the difference. Employees who have begun this personal journey need to make a plan to enlighten the executive team.   Most smartphone use started with the CEO and her direct reports, and they are the ones who, in all likelihood, introduced, for example, a culture of 24 hour availability to the organization. In an effort like this, employees need allies at all levels to help demonstrate that bad habits developed in the executive suite can wreak havoc when rolled out to an entire company.   (There is a growing body of data available that can be used in this effort.)   In an intervention, executives can be asked to imagine an all-company meeting in which half the attendees spend most of the  meeting on their smartphones, lost in cyber-space.   (Some would   simply argue that they are following the fine example of their CEO!) If the executive team can be convinced that these behaviors are destructive, then the company can move to specify some specific changes. For example, the US Federal Government has banned the use of cell-phones by its employees while they are driving and conducting government business.   In part, thats because of obvious safety reasons. From a productivity stand-point, however, it makes perfect sense. Other policies can be introduced to limit the use of smartphones and laptops during off hours, for starters.   (In some companies, turning off all messaging devices between 12:00 am and 6:00 am would be a major step.) Each company needs to look at its culture, as well as its strategy, and phase in these changes in a way that makes sense. They need to allow for the fact that habit change takes time, and that a new culture could not be born in an instant. The single employee who decides to change their company has a very difficult task on her hands, however, as she realizes that smartphones have done more to change company culture in the past few years than any vision statement or 2 day retreat.   She needs to appreciate that some executives may decide that they like the way things are going, and dont want to change a thing.   Ã‚  Those companies who take this route probably wont see any immediate fallout as employees cling to their jobs for fear of losing them, but theyll pay later.   At some point in the future, productivity will be impacted on a large scale, as employees burn themselves out and the bottom line suffers. Its much better to make the small, enlightened changes now, than to wait until the cost is higher and the effort required seems to be impossible to garner. All it takes to get started is one or two employees who are willing to redefine what productivity means for themselves and their companies, in favor of long-term results that are sustainable. How and for what we make use smart phone nowadays? (400) .. What are the negative impacts it has on us? (400) .. What are the negative impacts it has on our health? (400) .. There has been plenty of debate as to whether or not cell phones have holistically upgraded our lives. True, they have played a pivotal role in many fields. But are they really that helpful to society? Despite the numerous criticisms against these devices, people dont seem to waver their support for mobile phones. In fact, as of 2008, there were about 304.7 million mobile phone units sold in the whole world. And that doesnt even quantify the number of users, which are abundant in all countries. In the United States, 203 million people own and use cell phones. In Australia, the number of mobile phones being utilized even surpasses the entire countrys population. The influence of these inventions is extreme. As proof of this, they have already broken boundaries and transcended culture. Can you imagine what the world would be like if mobile phones were banned for their harmful effects? Alzheimers and Parkinsons are just some of the diseases being attributed to prolonged cell phone use. But above these, the possibility of getting brain cancer is what most health-conscious individuals worry about their fascination with these gadgets. Mobile phone electromagnetic radiation is said to destroy the protein barrier of the brain and make it susceptible to viruses and toxins. Aside from that, it is also said to destroy red blood cells and cause hemoglobin leaking, which consequently harms the heart and kidney. These harms eventually manifest as an elevated blood pressure and a decrease in the bodys immunity. In addition, cell phone radiation is also suspected of causing another form of physical threat, in the form of car accidents. According to a study conducted by the Harvard University, cell phones are predisposing factors to 200 vehicular deaths and millions of deaths per year. Furthermore, it is also insinuated that electromagnetic waves prove detrimental to the environments health and may cause freak fires in gas stations, as it can unwillingly ignite gas fumes. But with all things considered, cell phones are not solely to be blamed for these ill consequences. As such, the human factor cannot be excluded in the equation. Our excesses and lack of control usually bring about negative effects to our cell phone use. So, it might be best that we learn, while still physically fit, about what we can do to prevent bad things from happening. By using the internet, we can gather enough intelligence to help us live a better, healthier mobile phone using life. How can Smartphone be misused and what can be done to prevent it? (400) .. To what extent mobile phones have made us both poorer and better communicators? (400) .. To what extend are we dependent/addicted to smartphones? (300) TOKYO, May 14 (AP) (Kyodo)-Elementary school students are becoming more psychologically dependent on their cellphones, with about a quarter of surveyed students saying they feel very anxious if they do not receive replies to their emails on their cellphones, a report released Wednesday by a Japanese parent-teacher association said. The report was based on a nationwide survey conducted on 2,400 fifth graders and 2,400 students in the second year of junior high schools as well as their parents in November last year, the National Congress of Parents and Teachers Associations of Japan said. Nineteen percent of the elementary school students and 22 percent of the junior high school students answered that they tend to make long calls despite themselves, while 25 percent of the elementary school students and 26 percent of the junior high school students said they feel very anxious when they do not get email replies, according to the report. The figures for the elementary school students were both up 7 points from the previous survey conducted in November 2007. Emails can be the start of cellphone dependence, said Kunihiko Soga, who heads the association, and added, Parents and children should discuss rules on when and how to use cellphones. Sixteen percent of the junior high school students, the largest single group, said they send and receive more than 50 emails through cellphones per day, the report said. More than half of the junior high school students polled send and receive more than 10 emails per day. It was one to five emails for 34 percent of the elementary school students, followed by six to 10 for 14 percent, and 11 to 20 for 6 percent. The survey results also revealed that 20 percent of the fifth graders and 42 percent of the students in their second year in junior high schools owned a cellphone. Among the junior high school students surveyed, 38 percent said they have email friends their parents do not know about, up 3 points from the previous survey. Meanwhile, 57 percent of the parents surveyed said they have introduced filtering services that limit their childrens access to harmful contents online. To what extent do we expect Smartphone to improve and in what ways in the coming years? (400) Thought it was hard enough to pick the right smartphone as is? Courtesy of the new  HTC EVO 4G from Sprint, the decision just got that much tougher. The first Android phone thats compatible with both 3G and 4G (even higher-speed) wireless broadband networks, the handset promises to offer an impressive feature setand, more important, killer download speeds. Shipping this summer, as high-end mobile communications devices go, the hardware itself is nothing to scoff at. Consider the gadgets 4.3-inch touchscreen, which lets you pinch to zoom and ranks among the largest displays available on an Android phone. Well-suited to music, photos and streaming video, multimedia looks to be an upcoming strong suita bonus for entrepreneurs looking to tap into popular news destinations, social networks and online portals. Speaking of socializing, the gizmo also layers in a specialized user interface known as HTC Sense. Using it, you can access features like a Friend Stream that aggregates updates from popular social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Flickr and streamlines them into one easily digestible feed. Theres also a special function known as Leap that lets you pinch to view open programs, making multitasking that much easier. Bonuses further extend to not just one, but a pair of integrated digital cameras. Theres an 8-megapixel model with auto-focus and high-definition video recording capabilities on the back, plus a 1.3-megapixel unit on the front. The former should prove useful for multimedia creation and content sharing, while the latter could come in handy when videoconferencing or snapping your own facial expressions. Either way, theres massive potential there to connect with clients and colleagues, generate content for promotional use on your blog or website and create custom video for distribution through online channels. Live streaming of shareholder meetings and tradeshows seems an immediate possibility via the Qik application. Ditto for the opportunity to upload HD video to online aggregators such as YouTube and Metacafe instead of the pixilated standard-def footage thats currently commonplace. Connect an HDMI cable, and theres also the option to output your clips, e.g., client testimonials, han ds-on product demos, etc., straight to HDTV, while a kickstand enables easier on-device viewing. Intriguingly, the EVO 4G can also function as a mobile wireless hotspot. A maximum of eight Wi-Fi-ready devices from laptops to MP3 players and digital cameras can connect and tap into its internet connection. Albeit only available in 27 cities from Atlanta to Chicago, Las Vegas and Seattle (service launches in New York, Boston, San Francisco and other metropolitan areas are planned for later in 2010), Sprint claims its 4G network delivers 10 times faster speeds than what youd get from 3G networks. Bearing this in mind, large files such as high-def videos and sizable software packages should be retrievable in a fraction of the waiting time users have typically come to expect from 3G devices. Heavy Web browsers may benefit as much as multimedia fans as well, given that support for Adobe Flash is also built in, which powers high-quality animated and video content. Tack on support for a range of thousands of downloadable third-party apps via the Android Market (although, granted, nowhere near as many as youd find on the iPhone), and the possibilities multiply. Coupled with the devices greater speeds, new programs could allow working professionals to connect, communicate and collaborate in a range of unexpected and far-reaching ways. Given enough bandwidth, you could video chat with a coworker live in real-time while watching a corporate webcast and sharing supporting links on the topics being discussed. While its too early to tell whether the EVO will ultimately fly, at first glimpse it appears to offer a wealth of compelling features for entrepreneurs and everyday users alike. Admittedly, chances are even if you do buy one, you may find yourself stuck operating at standard 3G speeds on occasion. Then again, in the immediate, it may be a small price to pay for the chance to piggyback on a wider 4G rollout, and get a look at what the future of smartphones could very well hold. Jim McGregor would like future smartphones to zap the person on the other end when they say something stupid. The chief technology strategist for In-Stat Research is onto something. For now, the closest we probably have to that is the mute button. But a chief technologist strategists job incorporates vision, and thats one vision that many might share. We are really just at the beginning of making these devices interface with the real world through advanced sensors and intelligent applications, says McGregor. Future devices will be able to sense temperature, speed, direction, location, action and be able to communicate with you with information you may want, rather than just the information you request. As CTIA, the wireless trade industry association, prepares to meet in Las Vegas March 23-25, smartphones with even more smarts are in the pipeline, aided by improved processing power, screen technology and internal, as well as external, software. Smartphones are starting to overtake the PC in terms of the primacy of getting information and entertainment from the Internet, says Mike Woodward, vice president of the mobile phone portfolio for ATT. Theres a whole generation of people, who, if they wanted to go find out something, they went and sat down at the computer and got it. Theres a generation coming up behind that, if they need to grab some quick information, a movie ticket, a dinner reservation they immediately reach for their smartphone, whether theyre out on the go or not. App store development Future phones may or may not look much different than the black-slab models so widely available today, iterations of the iPhone. Even though from the users point of view its the hardware that drives decision-making, much more of the differentiation and uniqueness in devices is in software, says Charles Golvin, Forrester Research principal analyst. Look at the influence of the app (applications) market. People arent making their decisions about phones based on what apps to buy. But it is becoming something of a consideration. The fact that there are so few apps for the Palm devices is in small part dampening enthusiasm for them. 0HTC HD mini smartphone  uses the Windows operating system, and  has a  single contact view that displays snapshots of your conversations with a person, be it  call, text, status update or e-mail. The mini will first be sold in Europe and Asia in April. Apples App Store, with more than 150,000 apps, or programs, that can be downloaded directly to the iPhone, leads the way. Palm now has more than 2,000 apps now available for phones using its webOS operating system. Googles Android Market has 30,000 apps and Research in Motions BlackBerry App World, 4,700. Smartphones, which run on specialized operating systems, continue to increase in popularity, particularly in the United States, where 25 percent more smartphones were shipped in the fourth quarter last year than the third, according to ABI Research. While fourth-quarter results generally are the strongest because of the holidays, the results were remarkable compared to the rather lackluster preceding nine months, said ABI Research analyst Michael Morgan in a statement. The good performance was driven in part by falling smartphone prices and the introduction of entry-level smartphones generating greater appeal for new buyers. Processing power oomph Samsung, the leading mobile phone provider in the United States with 26 percent of the market, according to Strategy Analytics, recently said it is creating its own operating system, bada, for its smartphones. The first bada phone is the Samsung Wave, which will be sold in Europe and Asia starting in April. The Wave will have a 1 gigahertz processor, which in the years ahead will become more standard fare for smartphones, experts say. Many higher-end smartphones now use processors of 650 megahertz. The relatively new Google Nexus One uses Qualcomms 1 GHz Snapdragon processor. With PCs, you always used to talk about how many megahertz your processor was, then it became how many gigahertz your processor was, how much memory did you have in it its not so different in phones these days, says Justin Denison, vice president of strategy for Samsung Mobile in the United States. Smartphones now and in the future are delivering similar performance to what PCs delivered just a few years ago, he said. Gigahertz-processing technology will become kind of the new benchmark here very shortly. And certainly you can just draw the line, following Moores Law, or whatever analogy you want to use, and predict how quickly well move to 2 GHz processors in phones, much like we have in PCs. Faster video, graphics performance faster video and graphics performance, so that smartphones can more easily become portable video players, are also part of the equation, Denison says. From a 3-D gaming and graphics perspective, if you enable faster 3-D processing, then you get into more realistic games, games that you only would have seen on your Xbox in the past, so now you can now see them on your phone and they perform in a similar manner. You almost never see personal DVD players on airplanes anymore, notes Woodward of ATT. Instead, youre starting to see people sitting there and watching their smartphones. Phone displays screens, too, will continue to improve in resolution and technology. Last year, for example, Samsung introduced some feature phones that use AMOLED active matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode energy-efficient display technology which makes the screen brighter. The company plans a Super AMOLED display for the new Wave, which has a 3.3-inch display. In really simple terms, with super AMOLED, weve integrated that touch-screen layer onto the display itself, so weve kind of combined those two, says Denison. That makes the device thinner, as well as less error-prone (to touch) and more responsive, as opposed to having two (display) layers that have to communicate to each other. Multitasking As part of seeing smartphones continue to behave in a richer fashion, so as to imitate the PC, Woodward says, multitasking is something we would expect to see happening. Multitasking the ability to run more than one program at once, and switch back and forth seamlessly is handled fluidly on some smartphones like the Palm, where, for example, you can be reading your e-mail and listening to music at the same time. Many iPhone users hope that the next-generation, iPhone OS 4.0, will incorporate multitasking, although Apple has not commented on that. Multitasking has been part of Windows Mobiles operating system, although it will not be part of Microsofts newest OS update, Windows Mobile 7. (Msnbc.com is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC Universal.) Among the reasons multitasking is discouraged in phones is because of security issues, and because its the kind of activity that can more quickly drain a phones battery. And that may be where the smartphone-as-PC notion loses ground for some. Still, others are excited about the potential use of sensors that can communicate with the phone for a variety of tasks. One company, Synaptics, has a new development platform called Fuse. It is still rather simple, but it at least starts using sensors for gesture and motion control, says McGregor of In-Stat Research. This isnt much, but it allows you to finally have a handset that you can use with one hand, which is a novel concept. Whether its sensors or watches or heart monitors, thats a coming capability, says Golvin. And many of those sensors will use a low-power version of Bluetooth, the short-range wireless technology, which will have very little battery drain. That version should be available by the end of this year. Conclusion Abstract

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Tourism Industry In Bangladesh

The Tourism Industry In Bangladesh The tourism industry is a major contributor to the gross state product of many countries (Reige and Perry, 2000) and in the last 50 years, tourism has developed into one of the worlds most powerful, yet provocative, socio-economic forces (Sharpley and Telfer 2008). Travel Tourism industry has become one of the worlds most important and fastest growing economic sectors, generating quality jobs and substantial wealth for economies around the globe (WTTC, 2007). The recent global recession has not caused the tourism industry to grind to a complete halt, and the World Tourism Barometer indicated that the recession only caused a 4% decline in global tourism from 2008-2010 (UNWTO, 2011b) and now it is expected to grow again. WTTC President and CEO, David Scowsill (2011) says Over the next ten years, its total contribution to GDP will rise by 4.2% per annum to US$9.2 trillion, bringing with it 65 million new jobs, but for that growth to be achievable and sustainable, governments must work together with the industry towards smarter policies and legislation that will help Travel Tourism to thrive. In Third world countries, governments encourage tourism investment because of the assumption that it will contribute to economic development of their countries (Hall, 1995). Third world nations and developing nations always seeks the potential benefits of tourism such as increased income, foreign exchange, employments and economic diversification (Sharpley and Telfer, 2008). According to Ferguson (2007) The tourism industry directly provides around 3 per cent of global employment, or 192 million jobs the equivalent to one in every twelve jobs in the formal sector. As with other industrial sectors and fields of academic study, tourism has also developed over the decades and has been influenced by a multitude of internal and external factors. It is not surprising that many aspects of tourism are totally different than they used to be before because of the vast rate of technol ogical change along with social, economic and environmental changes. Bangladesh is one of the worlds most densely populated countries, with its people packed into a delta of rivers that empties into the Bay of Bengal [BBC] (2011). Its implementing its developing plans for a long time. They are not only trying to secure their economic growth but also trying to improve their social living standards. In Bangladesh, tourism was almost non-existent at the countrys independence from Pakistan in 1971. More recently tourism has seen as a means of the contributing to their attainment. Tourism contributes 4.8 % to Bangladeshs Gross Domestic Products (GDP) and employs over 1509100 which contribute 1.9% of direct employments (WTTC, 2011). According to Bhatia (1986 in Jenkins and Tosun, 1998), many countries in the third world do not know the importance of tourism and the impacts that it can have, and Bangladesh is one of those countries. Essentially Jenkins and Tosun (1998) argue that, tourism development took place in most of the places of this world as an unpla nned activity (p 102). Like sustainable development sounds attractive (Butler, 1992: 64), the phrase of sustainable tourism accepted immediately by this country even the meaning of this term is not understood fully. Though sustainable tourism is the in thing across the world, Bangladesh, in spite of being endowed with natures bounties and beauty, still struggles with the concept (Mahmud, 2010). Several destinations in Bangladesh such as Chittagong hill tracts, the Sundarbans, Saint Martin coral island, Nijhum Island, Srimanagol Lawachera rain forest, Tangua Hoar and Coxs Bazar, which could be used as sustainable tourist spots (Mahmud, 2010). Coxs Bazar is the tourist capital of Bangladesh. By popular choice, Coxs Bazar has recently been ranked as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World'(Zamir, 2009), located conveniently on the east-west air-corridor making it a gateway to the Far East. It is endowed with resources and the potential for a tourism industry. In the southern edge of the country has a 125 km (77.6 miles) long beach of soft silvery sand, the worlds longest (Qadir, 2003) and a chain of hills that run parallel to the sea for almost the entire length, towering cliffs, colourful, ancient pagodas and Hindu temples (Anonymous, 2007), in a Riviera-like setting with crescent-shaped low hills overlooking the Bay of Bengal, and most visited tourist destinations in Bangladesh. The range of the hills covered in luxurious green groves is precious locations for tourists. Coxs Bazar is located at the head of this terrain. Coxs Bazar is also known as Panowa, literature meaning yellow flower. Palonkee was its other name. The daughter of the sea Bangladesh is a beautiful surprise for the tourist. Since the tourism is reported as a relatively easy way to earn foreign exchange, many countries are eager to enter international markets as fast as they can (Jafari, 1974) and Bangladesh is one of them. According to Jafari (1974), tourists and news media of a developed countries come to be a kind of promotional agents for a developing country or for a under developing country. Though Hasan in his book development tourism in Bangladesh blames the international news media for representing a wrong appearance of the country and news media carefully avoid telling the world of the brighter side of Bangladesh than the rough side of it (Khairuzzaman, 2008) still there are some positive approaches from the international media. Lonely planet is one of them. The world leader in publishing travel guides and guidebooks Lonely planet recommended Bangladesh as one of the top ten interesting travel destination in 2009 (Thoms en, 2009). This UK based publication Bradt Travel guide is known as a pioneer in tackling unusual destinations, for championing the causes of sustainable travel and for the high quality of writing (Thomsen, 2009). The first guide on Bangladesh published in 2009 and the back cover text states: Bangladesh has a reputation for being poor and beset by flooding, but this republic of rivers rewards those willing to look beyond the headlines. Leave luxuries behind and embark on the richest of travel experiences among some of the sub-continents friendliest people (Thomsen, 2009). This kind of positive focus on Bangladesh is not possible to buy for money. Lack of consistent strategy on cooperation, appropriate knowledge and sustainability; are the great barrier to a positive development of Bangladesh tourism sector. Environmental resources are an important asset not only in Coxs Bazar but to other tourism destinations in all other third world countries. The tourism in Bangladesh is especially popular due to its coastal areas of Coxs Bazar. If environmental resources are important economic assets in Bangladesh, the immediate action that need is that of sustainable utilisation of resources to benefit for present and future generations (Mbaiwa, 2005). It is well established that the presence of tourism in destination always brings with it environmental, socio-culture and economic benefit and this is why it is an effective development tool in any under developing countries and in the case of Bangladesh, A sustainable tourism strategy will have a major positive impact (Thomsen, 2009). When carrying out a broad research on any substance, it is essential to become acquainted with contextual of that topic, by using relevant literatures. For this dissertation, it is most significant to obtain information in a number of different sources. Academic books, journals, newspapers, where available, will be used in the gathering of information for this dissertation. Here in this project, I will outline the history of sustainable tourism development first which will provide the context of how it is developing and will answer either it exists in the Bangladesh, particularly in Coxs bazar. In order to gain this knowledge I will look at different publications related to research issue will be collected from academic books, daily newspaper, projects, related archives and tremendously up to date journals. For this purpose it will be extremely useful to look at relevant internet websites such as the websites of different ministry of Bangladesh and tourism industry based websites. In ternet websites will be an important source to fill in the gap by providing useful information where books and periodicals are not so unequivocal. 2.0: Literature review All tourism includes some travel but not all travel is tourism (Page, 2007). Tourism used to be recognised as an activity undertaken by those who travelled away from home for holidays, to visit relatives or to carry out professional business, in the past. Tourism is a composite of activities, services and industries that deliver a travel experience: transportation, accommodations, eating and drinking establishments, shops entertainment, activity facilities and other hospitality services available for individuals and groups that are travelling away from home (Goeldner and Ritchie, 2009). Therefore it encompasses a wide variety of purposes. The officially accepted definition by UNWTO (1993) is: Tourism comprises the activities of person travelling to and staying places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, businesses and other purposes. This definition challenges the commonly held perception that tourism is purely concerned with recreation and having fun (Holden, 2008). But according to Gunn (1994) the best working definition of tourism is that of by Mathieson and Wall (1982 in Gunn, 1994): Tourism is the temporary movement of people to destinations outsides their normal places of work and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities created to cater to their needs. At the present time, tourism is even more far reaching with wider implications. Specialists have illustrious between mass tourism, which involves those features just mentioned, and alternative tourism, which can include cultural, educational, social, environmental, agricultural and political tourism (Wearing and Neil, 2009). Tourism promotes better cross culture understanding. For any third world and developing countries, tourism is seen as an important tool of their regional development, culture, environmental and in most cases; the tourism portfolio is attached to Economy. This provides us with an initi al insight into the impact of tourism within all countries it has. In addition to social, political and economic concerns, tourism has become a vastly important and global feature of environmental argument. Tourism development which consistently ignores environmental concerns is unlikely to remain viable in the longer term (Pigram, 1990). High volume of tourism can cause environmental including water, air and noise pollution which are extremely destructive to a locations sustainable well-being. It is as a significance of the growing awareness of the harmful effect that tourism has on the environment, as well as a general heightened understanding of how global warming is affecting our planet, that tourism has been given an environmental focus. Indeed, sustainable tourism is now a widely known outlet of tourism, with the state of the environment being given more and more consideration. The term Sustainable Tourism has been introduced in the context of wider debate about environmental sustainability and logically implies a form and level of tourism whi ch maintains a total stock of natural resources (Sinclair, 1998). The growing awareness of environmental damage in this modern technological world is the reason to address this term. Getz (1986) says that when tourism planning was first developed in the 1960s, the disciplines main focus came, almost totally from the perspective of maximizing economic growth (p. 21). Over the decades, the focus has shifted and is now, more sensitive to non-economic issues (p. 32). Murphy (1985) argues that it is the responsibility of the tourism industry to, develop and protect its attractions, whether they are natural or man-made, and become a hospitality industry to make visitor experiences as enjoyable as possible (p. 10). Though it is argued that too much emphasis is placed on relatively short term economic impacts at the cost of considering the long term social and environmental impacts of tourism, thereby encourages in a better awareness of the problems that the industry creates (Holloway et al ., 2009). The importance of sustainable development is to carry growing successes into the future in such a way that future generations are not troubled (Pearce et al., 1990). Sustainability, sustainable tourism and sustainable development are all well-established terms (Liu, 2003). There are two components in the definition of sustainable development. The meaning of development and the condition necessary for sustainability are those two components (Miltin, 1992). Croall (1995) compares sustainability to the link between development and conservation, which should not conflict to each other. According to Bartelmus (1986 in Tosun, 2001), development implies a process that makes an effort to improve the living conditions of people. To meet human needs and wants is the main objective of development (WCED, 1987) which involves wider apprehensions with the quality of life (Pearce et al., 1990). When applied to tourism, as Godfrey (1996 in Gunn, 1994)) points out the concept of sustainable development relates to a form of environmentally friendly tourism. Aside, Rees (Gunn, 1994 p.85) define sustainable tourism development as a positive socio-economic change tha t does not undermine the cultural, ecological and social systems upon which local communities and societies are depended. The concept of sustainability first appeared on the public sense in the report by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987. The outline of sustainable development is that the economic growth and the environmental conservation are not only friendly but they are partners and one cannot survive without than other. The Brundtland Commission Report defines sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (WCED, 1987). The Commission highlighted that sustainable development is not a fixed national agreement, but an active process of changes which are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations (WCED, 1987: 46). A general weakness in the concept of the sustainable tourism development is that its principles and objectives have tended to manifest themselves in sets of guidelines that based on managing the limits of acc eptable environmental and social change, which is unable to account for the almost infinite diversity of tourism development contexts (Sharpley and Telfer, 2008). In a research Liu (2003) found that sustainability is praised by Bramwell and Lane (1993 in Liu, 2003) and according to them it is a positive approach intended to reduce the tensions and friction created by the complex interactions between the tourism industry, tourists, environment and the host communities to maintain the long term capacity and quality of both natural and human resources. Miles of golden sands, towering cliffs, surfing waves, rare conch shells, colourful Pagodas, Buddhist Temples and delightful sea-food all this makes what Coxs Bazar is today , the tourist capital of Bangladesh (NTO). Coxs Bazar is one of the most attractive tourist spots, not only in the Bangladesh but also in the world. The warm, shark free waters are good for bathing and swimming while the sandy beaches offer opportunities for sun-bathing (NTO). The tourist capital of Bangladesh includes conch shell market, tribal handicraft, and salt and prawn cultivation. According to a census of aquatic birds, a total of 15933 birds of 52 species have been spotted in Coxs Bazar (The Daily Star, 2009) can be seen as other attraction. Aggmeda Khyang, a Buddhist monastery at the hills, Himchari picnic spot, just about 8 km from Coxs Bazar, Innani Beach 32 km away from the city, is one of the most spectacular sea beaches in Bangladesh which is very close to the worlds longest sandy beach in Coxs B azaar and it is situated within the Inani protected forest; Sonadia island with very little human visitation, Teknaf peninsula, some 80 km from town and picturesque St. Martin Island to the south at 13 km distance from mainland are the around attraction of Coxs Bazar (Ahammed, 2010). All these places are located around Coxs Bazar and easily accessible by road and water sides what makes this place hub of tourism. As an international destination, Bangladesh has a mixed image. Tourists from abroad perceive a negative awareness of Bangladesh from news media. People from outside perceive as place where the population is living in poverty, corruption and in natural disasters. Though the new seven natural wonders search 2009 have made the country attractive for tourism and is also charted as one of the top ten interesting destinations by new travel books (Quader, 2010). Bangladesh is still one of the countries in South Asia with the fewest arrivals and the lowest revenue earned from the tourism industry. WTTC (2011) predicts that the contribution from travel and tourism will increase 6.3% per annum till 2021. According to Bari (FE, 2010), At present, around 0.50 million international tourists visit Bangladesh each year, It employs one million people. Most of the tourists visited the country for business purpose, and their stay in the country was brief as they had not been offered to explore the hil ls, seas and forests of the country brimming with natural beauty (Mahmud, 2010). The only cause for this is the lack of awareness and proper arrangements. Though the economic contribution of tourism and the share of Coxs Bazar to the national economy are not studied with reliable statistics (Ahammed, 2010) still the tourism industry leaders said in Financial Express (FE, 2010) that Bangladesh can earn US$2.0 billion in annual revenue from the tourism sector if it can attract two million international tourists. According to the general manager of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation, revenue earning from the tourism sector is experiencing a downward trend and the revenue from tourism sector was approximately  £51 million in 2008, which came down to  £47 million in 2009. Till June 2010, the revenue was  £26 million (FE, 2010). Tourism in Bangladesh is managed by Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation under the Ministry of Civil Aviation and tourism. There is no doubt that tourism is an effective development tool, helps economy to generate revenue, country gets benefited as well as the private sector and local community, Consciousness on preservation of nature and protection of environment tends to increase. Though Coxs Bazar is easily accessible by road, still there is no rail links in this city. The government spending huge amount of money to get Coxs Bazar rail linked within 2 years. Governments infrastructure development planning includes the work on the upgraded submarine cable connection of Coxs Bazar Landing Station to increase the bandwidth (Unb, 2011). Development of major infrastructure to serve resorts should be coordinated to meet the demands of the industry with boarder economic and social needs (Brohman, 1996). The presence of tourism in any destination always brings environmental, socio- culture and economic impacts. Less developed destinations like Coxs Bazar are more susceptible. Development of tourism in Coxs bazar brings external money flow which drives the living standard of the locals to higher level. Development of tourism in Coxs Bazar on a long-term basis is to give due importance to the above impacts for its sustainability. It needs a long term planning, continuous development work, avoid the negative impacts and investment timing have to be predetermined (Quader, 2010). The current growth in tourist numbers to Coxs bazar has led to the recognition that consideration needs to be given to a sustainable tourism development strategy if the site is to be maintained for future generations. 3.0 Aims and objectives In undertaking this investigation, this dissertation has number of aims and objectives. As sustainable tourism is a very well established term in modern tourism industry due to a heightened environmental awareness, it is important to understand how it functions and whom it targets. The goal of environmentally sustainability is a maximum level of desired outcome such as economic profit, quality of life what will maintain in a steady way, subject to constraints imposed by environment. Basis on this concept it can be said that environmentally sustainable tourism implies a key importance on maintaining a certain level of environmental quality. This is highlighting that, a sustainable environment and a viable tourism industry are essential elements to make an environmentally sustainable tourism (Johnston Tyrrell, 2007). In order to do understand the term and the function of environmentally sustainable tourism, it will first be necessary to outline the basics of the tourism industry in le ss developed country like Bangladesh and how it has changed over the years. By doing this it will be possible to better understand how the sustainable tourism industry fits into Coxs Bazar. 3.1: Aims The core aim of the social and economic perspectives of tourism is to inspire more international and domestic tourists to promote the growth of tourist value which focus on creating employment, achieving revenue, developing local engagement (Gilmore et al., 2007) and enable some members of the population to move from the informal sector to higher paid jobs in the formal sector (Sinclair, 1998). The environmental aim is often conflict between the economic and social perceptions which is to protect and to conserve both culture and the environment (Gilmore et al., 2007). The host population is itself a part of the tourism product. The rapid growth of tourism in any less developed countries and destinations raises questions of sustainable tourism development, particularly the access and economic benefits to local economies. For this dissertation, it is most important to know the various facets of the relationship between host population and tourism industry of Coxs Bazar of Bangladesh. T he locals are subjects to be viewed and interacted with, or settings for tourist activities, and their attitudes and behaviour constitute the hospitality resource of a destination (Smith, 1994). According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) (1993), tourism is sustainable when it improves the quality of life of the host community; provides a high quality of experience for the visitor; and maintains the quality of the environment on which both the host community and the visitor depend. Coxs Bazar have limited opportunities and resources for agriculture or industrial development and are turning to tourism to create the major source of economy though a huge part of population are still involved in fishing, collecting sea foods and sea products for their livelihood. Traditionally, it is a conservative society and socio-culture, economy and the quality of life is still below than national average (Ahammed, 2010). The aim of this project is to critically assess whether Coxs Bazar in Bangladesh can be developed in a sustainable way. 3.2: Objectives Finally, having completed a thorough investigation and after evaluation of the data collected will leads up to the current prevalence of the sustainable tourism in Coxs Bazar, it will then be possible to imagine how the industry may develop in future. Objectives are Æ’ËÅ" To evaluate and define sustainable tourism development in term of environment, economic and culture. Æ’ËÅ" To investigate and find the specific requirement for sustainable tourism development in Coxs Bazar. Æ’ËÅ" Critically discuss whether the people of tourism industry in Bangladesh really know the meaning of sustainable development? Æ’ËÅ" To illustrate useful conclusions and make effective recommendations on sustainable tourism development for Coxs Bazar that can be implemented by the tourism authority of Bangladesh. 4.0: Methodology and Method The following section of this dissertation shall outline the methodology and the method that shall be employed for the primary research section of this dissertation. 4.1: Methodology In tourism research there is an on-going need for statistical insights but qualitative research offers a great deal of understanding at social life from in a different way (Phillimore and Goodson, 2004). Phillimore and Goodson (2004) argue that tourism researchers are not bound to adopt a simple set of methods, and are therefore free to combine a wide range of approaches with a more sophisticated attitude to use qualitative research. This project used both primary and secondary data resources. In terms of primary data sources, this dissertation relied on the research work that I have carried out on sustainable tourism development in Coxs Bazar. Priority was given to the semi structured interviews I took in April 2011 which resulted in to develop conclusions and recommendations based on the findings that could be implemented in Coxs Bazar. In order to give concrete load to the primary research conducted this research will also contain some secondary research. Collecting data from people who are involved with the tourism industry in Bangladesh will give considerable ideas that will have been formed by looking at secondary literature. It will also provide the dissertation with a personal insight which cannot be gained from conducting qualitative research alone. 4.1.1: Primary Research From the outset, I decided that my research objectives more easily lend themselves to more qualitative forms of analysis. This study is essentially attempting to determine how a number of complex concepts impact and relate to one another. It requires the subject area to be looked at from a number of different perspectives and for links between these separate perspectives to be determined. Britten et al (1995) suggest that employing qualitative methodology allows for the researcher to, Address research questions of immediate relevance which are otherwise difficult to investigate (p. 105). Flick et al (2004) go on to point out that the use of qualitative methodology can aide in, the understanding of complex relationships rather than explanation by isolation of a single relationship, such as cause and effect' (p. 8). Sofaer (1999) further argues that this can result in, rich descriptions of phenomenaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it not only serves the desire to describe; it also helps move the enquiry towards more meaningful explanations (p. 1102). It is for these reasons that this study will approach the research objectives from a qualitative, rather than giving practical weight to quantitative, approach. 4.1.2: Secondary Research Secondary analysis has a well-established pedigree. This will provide the useful information in order to understand the background of the subject. Hakim (1982) state that, secondary data analysis is any further analysis of an existing dataset which presents interpretations, conclusions or knowledge additional to, or different from, those produced in the first report on the inquiry as a whole and its main results(p 1). Secondary data can embrace a whole range of experimental forms; it can include the data generated through systematic reviews, through documentary analysis as well as the results from government sponsored surveys (Smith, 2008). Secondary literature provides a considerable source for appreciative which is necessary when making decisions regarding any topic and placing advance theories to develop situations. 4.2: Method The first method that was considered was focus groups. MacNaghten and Myers (2004) suggest that this method is most useful for researchers who perhaps, are not entirely sure what categories, links and perspectives are relevant (p. 65). However, this method can yield data that can be difficult to understand and interpret. For an inexperienced researcher this could present a problem and could lead to data that is perhaps not as rich as it could be. I finally chose semi-structured interviews as my primary research method. Kvale (1983) states that the use of this method presents the researcher with the opportunity to, gather the life-world of the interviewee with respect to interpretation of the meaning of the described phenomena (p. 174). It is this real world experience that will give my data real depth and will hopefully help me to understand some of the complex problems faced by my respondents. Another advantage of this method is outlined by Blee and Taylor (1995) who argue that semi-structured interviews places human agency, at the centre of the movement analysis. Qualitative interviews are a window into the everyday world of activists, and they generate representations that embody the subjects voices, minimizing, at least as much as possible, the voice of the researcher (p. 96). I had hoped to be able to conduct this research in Coxs Bazar. However, it became clear to me early in my research that this was not likely to be popular. Instead, I chose to focus my research on travel agencies in the UK who offer holidays to Coxs Bazar and other parts of Bangladesh. I chose to draw my sample group from agencies located in Bangladeshi communities. Tower Hamlets, Manchester and Oldham have arguably the highest concentration of Bangladeshis in the country, so I chose to target travel agents here. As people working in the industry are answering my questionnaires, I assured them that they will remain anonymous to make them feel more confident to give honest answer. I phoned round several agencies and managed to secure interviews with 5 travel agents. A few days before the interviews, these respondents were sent an outline of my study so that they could perhaps begin to prepare their responses. This would hopefully yield richer data for me to use. These interviews were mostly conducted face to face, although two was conducted over the phone and Skype. I recorded the interviews and took extensive notes during them. I was conscious of the fact that, in semi-structured interviewing, analysis and interpretation are on-going processes (Blee and Taylor, 2002: 110). Unlike in quantitative data collection where one waits until all the data is collected before starting the analysis process, with qualitative data collection, the analysis is an on-going process. In the analysis of the data, I employed a fairly liberal interpretation of the grounded theory method. Stern (1994) suggests that this method is most helpful for researchers exploring new subject a reas or who simply want to gain a fresh perspective on a familiar situation (p. 30). The use of this method demands that the researcher constantly re-evaluates the data collected and then categorizes and codes it. I decided that my codes would be the objectives set at the start of this dissertation. I re-listened to my interviews to my interviews a number of times to find parts of the data that best met my objectives. The following section of this dissertation will present the findings from the primary research and discuss these in light of the findings from the literature search. The objectives of the study (see 3.2) were used as markers in the interviews. Although the respondents were allowed to veer off track, I always tried to bring the discussion back to the four main objectives guiding this research. Notes: I did not add references cause of the word limits. Once I finalised this work I will go through Gold proofread again.